Batman: Arkham Knight to Reach Vision Thanks to PS4 and Xbox One Hardware, Trailer Now Live

The PS4 and Xbox One have opened a whole new door of possibilities for game developers. In the case of the Batman Arkham series, it means that the Batmobile will be part of Batman’s day-to-day arsenal.

Sefton Hill, Rocksteady Studios’ game director, has found that the power of the PS4 and Xbox One has allowed him to finally realize his vision for the franchise in the upcoming Batman: Arkham Knight. He shared:

Rocksteady Studios is doing an enormous amount of work with the final chapter of our Batman: Arkham trilogy so that fans can truly experience what it truly means to be Batman. We’re happy to develop the game for the next generation platforms, which enabled us to bring to life some design elements that we had imagined since the very beginning, such as the Batmobile (which actually augments Batman’s capabilities), and the incredibly complex and detailed new Gotham City.

The Batmobile was missing as a gameplay element in the last three installments of Batman Arkham leaving some Batman fans scratching their heads. Previously, the studio found that grappling was enough to get around.

While Hill’s quote can be interpreted in many ways, I see it as a confirmation that the game world be much more diverse and detailed. To be fair, the previous games had great worlds, but it felt more like it existed as an obstacle between point A and point B to make the city feel “full”.

We’ll have to wait a few more months until we find out more about Batman: Arkham Knight and how it will bring to life Hill’s vision. For now, you can check out the announcement trailer to get a small taste of this week’s biggest game announcement:


[Via: Press Release]

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