Former Spooky Kid Marilyn Manson has signed on for a recurring role on the smash FX series “Sons Of Anarchy”. Manson is set to play Ron Tully, “an imprisoned white supremacist shot-caller who Jax uses to expand his power base,” Variety reports. The show’s seventh and final season kicks off in September.
“Sons has been such a big part of my life, as well as my father’s,” said Manson to Variety. “So I was determined to make him proud by being involved in what will probably be remembered as the most amazing piece of television cinema. After all, the very heart of SOA is about that relationship. So, now all I need is a motorcycle.”
Manson’s been dabbling in other TV work as well, having recently created for the opening song (“Cupid Carries A Gun”) for WGN’s witch drama, “Salem”. You can hear the track below: