During a Kansas City show over the weekend, Staind frontman Aaron Lewis spoke up about some massively uncool behavior in the crowd, specifically towards women and underage girls.
In the YouTube clip below, the father of three daughters cuts out of a song during to admonish a group of men who had been groping a female crowdsurfer.
“All right, listen up you fucking assholes, that fucking girl right there is like 15 fucking years old, and you fucking pieces of shit are molesting her while she is on the fucking crowd,” ranted the singer. ”Your fucking mothers should be ashamed of themselves, you pieces of shit. You should all be beaten down by everyone around you for being fucking pieces of shit. If I fucking see that shit again, I swear to god I will point you out in the crowd and have everyone around you beat your fucking ass.”
Watch Lewis’ rant at 0:40 below.
Lewis then told his band to resume playing, after reassuring the crowd. “Now girls, feel free to crowdsurf safely,” he said, to roars of approval from the audience.
Well done, Mr. Lewis.