WTF?! Cranberries Singer Attacks Flight Attendant, Headbutts Cop

You remember The Cranberries, right? That ‘90s Irish band who drove us insane with that “Linger” song, as well as “Zombie” and others. They’re a nice nostalgia nugget for a simpler time, a harmless time capsule of what was. But apparently even The Cranberries aren’t immune to the pitfalls of this weird-ass alternate Back To The Future reality where popular music is at a staggering potency of rancid garbage, the entire nation votes overwhelmingly against their own interests and we freak the almighty hell out over a disease that’s killed exactly one person in America while excusing daily gun deaths, a militarized police presence gone completely hyper-aggro haywire and more.

In other words, Cranberries singer Dolores O’Riordan allegedly attacked a flight attendant and a police officer on a flight from New York City on Monday, according to a report from the BBC.

“Ms O’Riordan was detained after an air hostess was reportedly attacked on an Aer Lingus flight from New York to Shannon, County Clare,” says the BBC, adding, “Police boarded the aircraft at Shannon and during the course of the arrest, a policeman was also injured.”

According to TMZ, the flight attendant was taken to the hospital with a “leg or foot injury.” To make matters worse, chanteuse allegedly headbutted the cop who boarded the plane to arrest her. 

One eyewitness from the plane told the Irish Independent: “The curtains were opened a few times and at one stage we saw the woman thumping the ceiling of the plane. It was only after we got off the plane that we heard who it was. She was roaring at the cabin crew and at one stage I heard her say – ‘I pay may taxes.'” 

O’Riordan has since been released on her own accord.

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