Watch Justin Bieber Skateboarding Fail

Maybe 2014 wasn’t so bad after all. Hell, we’re rounding out the year with a clip of baby-thug douchespray scummy manboy Justin Bieber falling off his skateboard and tumbling down a set of stairs. How bad can it really be?

Biebette was out skating on Sunday, in leather pants and a short dress, when he tried to ride down some stairs near Madison Square Garden. Though his bodyguards kept the crowd of onlookers away while he attempted the ultimate in extreme stunts, Bieberclaus couldn’t be saved from the pavement. We don’t do you the indignity of watching the full video (unless you want to) – so here’s a gif of the moment instead:

While we’re reveling in the fail, here’s more than a handful of other less-than-fortunate 2014 Music Memories we’re looking forward to forgetting.

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