Kanye ‘Yeezy Season One’ Zine Pimps Nudity & Homeless Clothes: This is High Fashion?

Everyone’s favorite poster boy of modesty, Kanye West is promoting both a soon-to-be-released LP, So Help Me God, and his new fashion line with adidas. A certain chilly grey tone bridges between both projects, and now there’s a similarly themed ‘zine to accompany it.  

With pics by Jackie Nickerson, the zine focuses on the Adidas x West Yeezy Season One, and cut between offerings of high-fashion promise we’re shown ratty-ass sweatsuits and torn-up sweaters. Oh, and there’s also a hell of a lot of nudity.

Sound like fun? Download the zine here, and chew on the fact that all the females in the spread are either naked or dressed like Lady Gaga straining to fart in a beige bodysuit. Literally:

What kind of Emperor’s New Clothes bullshit is this? It doesn’t stop at Grandma’s undergarments, either. We’re talking about trash-bag jackets and sweaters that have been straight-up dragged behind a fucking car for twenty miles of gravel road. No joke. 

Trash bag.

The final image in the zine:

THIS is the send-off. The fuck-outta here with this nonsense, this insulting facade of taste and fashion. This is the living embodiment of Kanye’s own song “New Slaves”. Cognitive dissonance is one thing, but these are high-end clown clothes for cultural lemmings and people so desperate to be a gladhanding part of the group they’ll spend outrageous amounts of money to look straight-up homeless.

“Adidas is the perfect place to be. If someone was to say, ‘Hey, do you want to go to a high-end house now?’ I’d absolutely say no,” Kanye told Style.com in a recent interview. “I’m not trying to [sound] presumptuous, I’m just saying that if in my wildest dreams I was presented with the opportunity, I would absolutely say no at this point.”

Trash bag mothball fashion is important work, ladies and gentlemen. Certainly more important than atrocious love songs.


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