Game of April 2015: Mortal Kombat X
You may be bummed that March is already over, but thankfully April has some great games of its own.
This month hosts eight major releases that span multiple platforms and genres. Chief among them is Mortal Kombat X, one of the most exciting titles of the year. It looks like 2015 is off to a great start.
Also See: New Mortal Kombat X Trailer Reveals Undead Liu Kang and the Grisliest Fatalities Yet
Below you’ll find the names and descriptions of all major video game releases for April 2015.
April 2015 Video Game Release Calendar
April 7th - Dark Souls 2: Scholar of the First Sin
Platforms: PC, PS4, XOne
One of the best action RPGs of the last decade has been equipped with new graphics for current-generation consoles and PC. Dark Souls 2: Scholar of the First Sin will feature a much improved presentation over its original version, in addition to quality of life changes that affect item placement, enemies, and more. Lastly, it comes bundled with all of Dark Souls 2's DLC packages. A fine package, indeed.
April 10th - Xenoblade Chronicles 3D
Platform: 3DS
Xenoblade Chronicles is regarded by many as one of the finest JRPGs of the last generation. Sadly, it was only available on Wii, and had a shortage of production leading to it being out of stock to many who were interested in giving it a try.
It has been remastered for the 3DS offering a tremendously substantial JRPG experience to anyone on the go.
April 14th - Mortal Kombat X
Platforms: PC, PS4, XOne
Here's the fighting game you've been waiting for. Mortal Kombat X has remained a hotly anticipated release for several months, and for good reason. With a roster of over 30 characters, the best Mortal Kombat graphics yet, and brutal fatalities, it's the game to talk about during April.
April 14th - Grand Theft Auto V (PC)
Platform: PC
Although we don't typically list ports on our video game release calendars, this is an exception to the rule. Grand Theft Auto V is a magical game, and its best version yet has almost arrived. After a dreadful year and a half wait it's finally here, and brings along with it rich improvements. The best part is that it'll have mods, which were a huge deal with previous Grand Theft Auto PC releases.
April 28th - Broken Age: The Complete Adventure
Platforms: PS4, PS Vita
Until now Broken Age has been a PC exclusive. That changes on April 28th with the arrival of the two act Broken Age: The Complete Adventure. Here's an indie title made by the legendary Tim Schafer, and deserving of your attention.
April 28th - State of Decay: Year-One Survival Edition
Platform: XOne
Do you like zombies? Or at least killing them? Here's your game for April. This Xbox One port from the well-received PC/Xbox 360 title boasts several improvements, some of which are important in making the game kind on the eyes, in addition to stomping technical issues present at its original release.
May 2015 - Mighty No. 9
Platforms: PC, 3DS, PS4, PS3, PS Vita, X360, XOne, Wii U
If you grew up on Mega Man, Mighty No. 9 is right up your alley. Made by the one and only Keiji Inafune, it closely resembles Mega Man with its solid action platforming. Best of all, it's hitting just about every console, so there's no excuse not to give it a try.
May 2015 - Galactic Civilizations 3
Platform: PC
It's almost unbelievable to think that it's been nine years since the release of Galactic Civilizations 2. Well, here's the latest in the heavy sci-fi turn-based strategy game.