The Cold War Kids have been releasing solid indie rock for 10 plus years. They’ve steadily toured, been a fan favorite at music festivals, including Lollapalooza and South by Southwest, and have consistently received accolades from well respected music review sites like Pitchfork (even though Pitchfork kinda hates everyone).
It’s for all these reasons that it’s truly hard to believe that it’s only with their most recent album, Hold My Home, that Cold War Kids have had a single that has reached the Top 10 Billboard Charts. Not that we care so much for the rankings, but it is a well deserved nod to the very talented and humble musicians.
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Crave recently sat down with band members Nathan Willett and Matt Maust on the USS Midway, during San Diego Comic-Con 2015. Asked how their music has evolved, Willett and Maust reflected on the work, and it’s easy to be convinced that the founding of Cold War Kids was truly organic. “I think we had a lot of fun having no idea what we were supposed to do,” states Willet. “Not just in finding our way in the industry, but even just becoming a band.. we were friends.. hanging out, and wanted to write songs.”

Fast forward a decade, clearly Cold War Kids has gotten around. (At the time of our interview, they were about to perform on an aircraft carrier in Southern California.) We all play favorites, and we asked them about theirs. Willet and Maust did not disappoint. Nothing like performing at an ancient amphitheater in Leon with Pete Doherty. Or, opening for Metallica in Belgium.
What’s clear about Cold War Kids after having some time in the game, is that they’ve been innovating. The sound is being pushed forward, and it’s resonating with fans old and new. Willet graciously calls out what, or rather whom, he feels has made a big impact – new(ish) member, Dann Gallucci.

Gallucci was not only familiar with the Cold War Kids sound, but contributed to it. The guitarist previously played an important role in the studio, producing the Cold War Kids’ album, Dear Miss Lonelyhearts. In 2012, he joined the group on stage. It’s only slightly ironic that I got to see Dann Gallucci this past weekend in Chicago when he resumed his role in the underrated rock band Murder City Devils. And by underrated, we mean, your hipster best friend’s take-it-to-the-grave favorite band they never got to see.
It seems as though Cold War Kids has found the recipe to success. The reality is they may have always had it. Refinement helps – take something good and make it better – but then how do you get the exposure? Write a song that is so melodic it’s hard to find a different term for it, combined with lyrics so thoughtful but alarming that they make you vow to never be that person, on the receiving end or the one doing the damage. Can’t hear it? Listen in.