As of this morning, November 5th, director Ridley Scott has been inducted onto (into?) the Hollywood Walk of Fame, making him the roughly the 2,554th person/character to receive the honor from the Hollywood Chamber of Commerce. The director of Alien, The Martian, and Gladiator was celebrated by several of his famed leading men and ladies, including Russell Crowe (Gladiator, A Good Year, American Gangster, Body of Lies, and Robin Hood) and Kristen Wiig (The Martian). The ceremony was held out on Hollywood Blvd., where Scott dedicated the star to his late brother, director Tony Scott, who died in August of 2012.

Scott is the 17th person to be inducted onto the Walk of Fame in 2015, the celebrated honor/tourist destination on Hollywood Blvd., and while the induction process is a combination of fervent grassroots signature collection, a certain level of immediate pop fame, and no small amount of Kafkaesque paperwork (I’m still not 100% clear as to how the induction process works), it’s still a fun honor to keep track of, and a great way of amassing a canon of popular opinion – even if that opinion doesn’t last forever.
In 2015, the following people were inducted:
Mariah Carey (Recording)
Kristen Chenoweth (Live Theater)
Claire Danes (Television)
Ray Dolby (Motion Pictures)
Ken Ehrlich (Television)
Dick Gregory (Live Theater)
Ed Harris (Motion Pictures)
Bob Kane (Motion Pictures)
Kool & The Gang (Recording)
Jeff Lynne (Recording)
Chris O’Donnell (Television)
Jim Parsons (Television)
Kelly Ripa (Television)
Paul Rudd (Motion Pictures)
Al Schmitt (Recording)
Joe Smith (Recording)
Ridley Scott (Motion Pictures)
Top Image: WikiMedia Commons
Witney Seibold is a contributor to the CraveOnline Film Channel, and co-host of The B-Movies Podcast. You can follow him on “Twitter” at @WitneySeibold, where he is slowly losing his mind.