January is set to be a quiet month for video game releases, and in all honesty, we need it. With our gaming backlogs still full from all the great games we just couldn’t finish in time to bring in the new year, we’re likely going to spend early 2016 putting some more time into Rise of the Tomb Raider, and Fallout 4, and Just Cause 3, and Xenoblade Chronicles X, and Rainbow Six: Siege…
But with that being said, there are still a few games being released in January 2016 that are worth keeping an eye on. Here are all the video game release dates for this month:
Shooting Stars (PC, Mac, Linux) – January 4
Amplitude (PS4) – January 5

An unlikely sequel to the PS2 cult classic of the same name, Amplitude marks Harmonix’s return to the formula established in the underrated 2003 rhythm-action game with similarly addictive gameplay, an impressive electronic soundtrack created in house by its developer and local multiplayer for up to four players.
Hardware: Rivals (PS4) – January 5
Volume (Vita) – January 5
Lovely Planet (Xbox One) – January 6
Assassin’s Creed Chronicles: India (Xbox One, PS4, PC) – January 12

The first Assassin’s Creed Chronicles game was met with a lukewarm reception, with the series’ transition to a 2.5D downloadable action-platformer not being wholly successful. However, with rumors circulating that we might not see a new entry in the mainline AC series at all this year, with Ubisoft reportedly looking to move away from annual releases as the series threatens to stagnate, Assassin’s Creed Chronicles: India could be the only AC game that fans will get to play this year.
The Banner Saga (Xbox One, PS4) – January 12
That Dragon Cancer (PC) – January 12

Originally slated as an exclusive release for the Ouya (remember that?!) in one of the more ill-advised video game deals, That Dragon, Cancer is inevitably and fortunately making its way to the PC in January. Based upon the real-life trauma faced by creators Ryan and Amy Green, the game (though it feels uncomfortable to call it that) will place players in the role of a terminally ill child’s father, forcing them to make the difficult decisions faced by a parent placed in such a deeply upsetting position.
Pro Basketball Manager 2016 (PC) – January 14
Dragon’s Dogma: Dark Arisen (PC) – January 15
Oxenfree (Xbox One, PC) – January 15
Zheros (Xbox One) – January 16
Blade & Soul (PC) – January 19
Darkest Dungeon (PC) – January 19
Resident Evil 0 (Xbox One, 360, PS4, PS3, PC) – January 19
Resident Evil Origins Collection (Xbox One, PS4, PC) – January 19
Stardust Vanguards (PS4) – January 19
Homeworld: Deserts of Kharak (PC) – January 20
Mario & Luigi: Paper Jam (3DS) – January 22

One of the 3DS’ biggest releases of the year, Mario & Luigi: Paper Jam sees the worlds of both the portable RPG Mario & Luigi series and Paper Mario collide and, judging from the reaction to its December release in Europe, it makes for one of the funniest games you’ll play in quite some time. Developer AlphaDream has a knack for telling humorous stories within the Mario world, and Paper Jam looks to be no exception.
Civilization Revolution 2 Plus (Vita) – January 26
Final Fantasy Explorers (3DS) – January 26

Previously released in Japan in 2014, Final Fantasy Explorers is Square Enix’s take on the Monster Hunter series, allowing up to four players to team up in order to take on its expansive cast of enemy beasts. While it’s reportedly not quite up to the quality of Capcom’s franchise, for Final Fantasy fans looking for their next fix this might just do the trick.
Lego Marvel’s Avengers (Xbox One, 360, PS4, PS3, Wii U, 3DS, Vita, PC) – January 26

We’ve somehow not seen a video game adaptation of Marvel’s The Avengers movies, though the likes of Iron Man, Captain America and The Hulk will star in their very own Lego adventure in 2016, as the events of both the first film and Age of Ultron will be given a brick-laden makeover for Lego Marvel’s Avengers. If you don’t know what to expect then chances are you haven’t played a Lego game before, and if so then you’re one of maybe ten people who hasn’t.
The Witness (PS4, PC) – January 26

Indie game visionary Jonathan Blow returns this month with his long-awaited follow-up to Braid, with The Witness offering a brand new experience for PS4 and PC owners. A first-person puzzle game set on an abandoned island, there’s plenty of mystery surrounding the game, and if Blow’s previous work is anything to go by then it’s set to contain plenty of surprises.
Slain (PC) – January 27
Atelier Escha and Logy Plus: Alchemists of the Dusk Sky (Vita) – January 29
Bombshell (PC) – January 29
This War of Mine (PS4, Xbox One) – January 29