This Guy’s Rainbow Six: Siege Team Abandoned Him, So He Turned into the Predator

When I play Rainbow Six: Siege there’s mostly a lot of swearing, panicking and generally being awful, so when I saw YouTube user Ben St-Lo’s footage of him mounting a comeback in match where he was pitted as a lone wolf against a full team of five players, I pretty much had to screw my jaw back in place.

Rainbow Six: Siege is a game that, if you play it properly (unlike me), is filled with plenty of moments that make you feel like an action hero; bursting into windows, blowing through doors, carefully rescuing hostages – it’s a game that rewards the tactical and skillful by making them feel like badasses. But no one is more of a badass than Ben St-Lo.

Watch the video below to understand what I’m talking about:

Yep, you saw that right. After his team abandons him as they head into Overtime, not only does St-Lo wipe out the entirety of the enemy team by himself in the attack phase, but also somehow manages to do the same in the defense phase, too. How did he do it? Well, as much as I would like to say “magic” and make myself feel a little better, it’s most certainly all down to skill.

Prowling around the building like a less invisible version of the Predator, St-Lo managed to swiftly swap roles from the hunted to the hunter, picking off his enemy team one-by-one as they all foolishly decided to stand toe-to-toe with this one-man army. If I somehow manage to turn around my game and become at least marginally competent at Rainbow Six: Siege, it’s disappointing to consider that I might be good, but I won’t be Ben-St Lo good.

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