Marvel’s Captain Britain Reportedly Set to Receive TV Show

A TV show based upon Marvel superhero Captain Britain is reportedly in the works, according to a movie producer and poster artist. 

Ciara McAvoy, who has previously worked in the art department for films such as X-Men: First Class, took to Twitter to state that we should expect an announcement regarding a Captain Britain TV show at some point in the future, along with posting an image of a digital rendering of the superhero’s costume.

The information in the tweet hasn’t been verified by Marvel, but McAvoy claims that the company will be issuing a statement soon.

McAvoy’s tweets were undermined somewhat by her claims that the series will be produced by Chris Lark and “Eleni,” which pointed to an unknown Twitter account with just over 100 followers. Lark is listed as an independent producer on his LinkedIn profile, but aside from this there’s not a lot of information pertaining to him available on the web.

But despite the validity of McAvoy’s claims being questionable, her tweets have inevitably seen comic book fans already speculating who could play the role of Brian Braddock, the UK’s answer to Captain America, in the rumoured show. We’re going to go with “no one” because we strongly doubt these rumours are true, but feel free to guess away at will.

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