‘Game of Thrones’ Season 6 Gets an After Show With Andy Greenwald & Chris Ryan

It seems like every popular genre series has its own after show. The Walking Dead, Teen Wolf, and Orphan Black have their respective talk shows dedicated to each and every episode, and now Game of Thrones has one as well!

HBO has announced that After the Thrones will fill that after show void for Game of Thrones, with a team of former Grantland writers behind it. Andy Greenwald and Chris Ryan are slated to host After the Thrones, while Bill Simmons is producing the series through his overall deal with HBO. Greenwald and Ryan previously hosted the Watch the Thrones podcast, which was also focused on Game of Thrones. More recently, the duo host The Watch on The Ringer’s podcast channel.

And what might fans expect from After the Thrones? According to Deadline, it “will recap the latest episode, explaining the who, what, when and where; exploring the complicated politics and history of Thrones; and ‘offering absurd and not-so-absurd theories about future episodes.’” Presumably the series could also follow the example of other after shows and invite cast members and celebrity fans to discuss the latest episode on camera. 

Related: Game of Thrones Showrunners Say Season 6 Won’t Spoil The Books

After the Thrones will launch on Monday, April 25, which is the day after Game of Thrones‘ season 6 premiere. While HBO has indicated that After the Thrones will air on the main HBO channel, it will primarily be available through HBO NOW, HBO GO, and HBO On Demand. 

Are you intrigued by HBO’s plans for After the Thrones? Let us know in the comment section below!

Photo Credit: HBO

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