Bigfoot Town, A Nova Scotia-based TV Show, Has Been Picked Up By Netflix

Local project Bigfoot Town, which is based in Berwick, Nova Scotia, has been picked up by Netflix.

The series, which follows the mayor Jack on his adventures trying to save the town from going bankrupt, has been in production for some time and has already finished shooting the pilot episode. According to reports, they will hold a casting call for local talent on April 23rd at noon at 100 South St. Berwick Nova Scotia. Creators have also confirmed that Netflix will run the show in its entirety in the fall as long as the entire season has been filmed and meets all deadlines.

Bigfoot Town stars Perry Rand, a local retired sales associate who has a reoccurring role on the show playing the mayor. “It’s been a lifelong dream,” he said to local press, the Kings County Register.  “Barney is a bit of a mysterious character. He’s not your regular farmer from the Valley. Some of his responses are a little bit weird or off the wall. It’s a great character to play. It’s got lots of grit for me.”

Photo: Bigfoot Town
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