Uncharted 4 Photo Mode: The Best Screenshots From The Year’s Most Beautiful Game

The Uncharted 4 photo mode is a masterful addition to the series, allowing players to take customized screenshots of the game’s jaw-dropping visuals with little more than a click of the left and right thumbsticks.

Though quite a few games in this current console generation have implemented similar features, the Uncharted 4 photo mode is undoubtedly the best example we’ve seen thus far, giving players the tools to make an already gorgeous game look even better by adding filters, depth of field and other such improvements.

Also See: Uncharted 4 Multiplayer Guide: How to Level Up Your Weapons Quickly and More

A NeoGAF thread dedicated to showing off the best player-created screenshots using the photo mode has already seen plenty of beautiful entries, from portrait shots of Nathan Drake and Uncharted 4‘s other characters, to nigh-on photo realistic shots of the game’s various environments. Take a look at some of our favorites in the gallery below – be sure to go fullscreen to see them in higher quality.

Thanks to users Holy Fridge, dc89, Snake29, GeordieMark, PulseOne, iSteven, score01, MiamiWesker, jiggles, raiderGale, ChuckNyce, Eggbok, and normalMode for the images.

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