Million Dollars, But… is an Hilarious New Card Game From Rooster Teeth

Million Dollars, But… is an hilarious new card game created by popular YouTube channel Rooster Teeth, with it having already raised over $850,000 on Kickstarter, despite it only having an initial goal of $10,000.

The card game, which was announced earlier last week, clearly takes its cues from the ultra popular Cards Against Humanity with its dark, vulgar sense of humor, but it provides its own unique twist on the formula. The game pitches players against one another to create the most ludicrous scenario based upon the question:  “What would you do for a million dollars?” There are two types of cards – Trigger and Rule – with the former beginning with “Million Dollars, But…” before providing players with the beginning of a scenario, with the Rule cards then completing said scenario.

Players start each round with four Trigger and four Rule cards, with them being tasked with combining the pair that create the most disastrous scenario possible. An alternating judge will then decide which of these scenarios they wouldn’t do for a million dollars, with the point then being awarded to the player who came up with it. 

You can check out the announcement video for the game below:

Rooster Teeth created the concept for Million Dollars, But… in a video series of the same name, in which members of the popular gaming channel both pose various ridiculous scenarios to one another, asking whether the others would agree to them in order to acquire one million dollars.

You can check out where it all started in the below video:

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