Nothing says “I didn’t really think this through” like a face tattoo. We’ve all made mistakes when we were younger, but nothing (outside a prison sentence) can have more of a long-term effect than the decision to get something – anything – tattooed to your face. There’s honestly nothing you can tattoo to your face that doesn’t guarantee you a lifetime of hearing, “Thank you for your application, but we don’t currently have any openings right now.”
Why someone would think that a face tattoo would be a good idea is kind of hard to fathom. One would assume that the majority of these people would have to be drunk to get something tattooed to their face, but aren’t there some sort of laws against giving wasted people tattoos anywhere on their body, let alone their face? And if there aren’t any laws, should there be? Well stop worrying about these idiots and start laughing at them. Here are 30 terrible face tattoos that will guarantee each one of these folks a life of unemployment.

Also check out some very terrible celebrity tattoos. There are even a few face tattoos there, but we figured since they already had jobs they didn’t belong in this picture set of people with terrible face tattoos.