New England Police Dogs Can Sniff Out Child Porn

It looks like Fido now has a hand in taking down pedophiles in Rhode Island and Massachusetts. Well, at least a nose.

According to Huffington Post, more than 65 police dogs recently spent 22 weeks at the Connecticut State Police Training Academy and can now “pinpoint hard drives, thumb drives and other technological devices that may be hidden in a home.”

One dog was able to sniff out a thumb drive containing child pornography last month in Rhode Island that was hidden “four layers deep in a tin box inside a metal cabinet.” It was the state’s first-ever canine-assisted arrest involving computer equipment.

“If it has a memory card, he’ll sniff it out,” the dog’s handler said.

While obviously not every memory card or thumb drive contains child porn, police said that devices containing such garbage are often “hidden away from suspects’ computers.”

After finding the perps’ memory cards and hard drives, the police dogs are given a well-deserved treat.

Why dogs in just the New England area are being used for this instead of say, everywhere else, is beyond us.

After he takes care of business, Fido does his business only one way: Study Reveals Dogs Align Themselves With Earth’s Magnetic Field Before Taking a Dump

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