Study Suggests Tripping on Shrooms Can Help You Quit Smoking

Wow. What’s next, doing crank will help you run a two-minute mile?

According to Gawker, a recent study at Johns Hopkins University heavily favors the notion that doing mushrooms will help you quit smoking.

Twelve of the 15 volunteers who took “pills containing psilocybin alongside a battery of counseling and journaling” were completely off cigarettes six months later, and those who had the “trippiest of trips” responded best.

“The therapy occurred over two or three sessions. Volunteers came to a laboratory set up like a living room, took a 20 milligram pill of psilocybin, covered their eyes and relaxed with music for several hours as the psychedelic effect took hold. Those who had a transcendent experience, where people say they went into a mystical state that helped them feel unity with themselves and the universe, tended to have more success, the researchers said.

No word if the 12 people who quit smoking quickly ballooned to 250 pounds, but I’m sure there will be a new study on how to combat the post-smoking weight gain by huffing glue right around the corner.

​If you’re not into shrooming, then maybe these tips will help you kick the habit: How a Single Guy Quits Smoking

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