There are few things in the world that everyone enjoys. One thing we can all agree on is animals posing like people. What is it about a dog wearing sunglasses that instantly puts you in a good mood? Thanks to a wonderful Tumblr page called Animals That Do People Things, here is the ultimate collection of animals posing like people.

“Honey, did you delete ‘Mad Men’ off the DVR? I work all day and this is the thanks I come home to? Unreal.”

“Hey Karen, I’ve just been going over the numbers and unless you want to pick up a second job we’re going to have to cut back on the Purina.”

“Can you point me towards the gluten-free produce? All of this stuff tastes like plastic.”

“Sometimes it’s just nice to get out of the big city and spend a day just riding around in nature, you know? Work can wait until tomorrow.”

“No better way to spend a Saturday than inviting the boys over and having a tall, cold glass of…peanut butter.”

“This is maybe 25% better than being turned into a belt.”

“I’ve been ironing this thing for 20 minutes and it still looks terrible. I just don’t get wh– hey Brenda! Did one of the kids unplug the iron again?”

“Let’s get a wood fireplace she says. It’s so much better than an electric one she says.”

“I like that new suit, Stanley! Lookin’ good!”

“Well, well. I’m fairly certain we said curfew was 10:30pm, but according to my watch it’s nearly midnight. Care to explain yourself, Bradley?”

“They said I could never pull off pastels, but here I am, haters. Here I am pulling off pastels!”

“I believe it’s whomever, not whoever. Continue your story.”

“How many times have I said to stop putting paper towels in the toilet? At least a dozen, right? Yet here we are again.”

“This is why I don’t want to do CrossFit. You just can’t beat the fresh air and that beautiful scenery.”

“Why am I dressed up? Well Jerry, why don’t you look at your calendar and see if today stands out as something important. An anniversary, maybe?”

“Sometimes I feel like I’m the only one trying in this band. Theodore, you aren’t even holding an instrument right now. Alvin, do you even play the drums?”

“Just because I’m out here washing my car doesn’t give you the right to comment on my body. Try a little respect next time, you animals.”

“What show? No sorry, I don’t even own a television. There’s just too much great literature to waste my time on that nonsense.”

“I’m one of the most deadly predators in nature, yet here I am looking like ‘Weekend at Bernie’s.’ What are you doing with your life, Mark?”

“Just leave the treat in my bowl and I’ll come get it after I’m done. Five more minutes and I’ll be in there, I swear.”