Mornings are the worst. But you know what really helps us get by? Some laughs. And you know where is the number one place you can get some laughs? Right here. Because we have some Funny photos, and everyone knows that our Funny Photos are the best. So if you’re here, you’re probably coming out even. And that’s not bad for a morning, right? Get to scrolling and LOLzing, because tomorrow we will be right here where you left us, desperately wanting to make you laugh some more and some more.

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What’s that you say? More laughs? While why did you say so? Here are some more Funny Photos for you.

I don’t know about all you folks, but the way things have gone, I can of wish that it was 1999 — I feel like things would have been going a lot better. But who wants to end this on a dark note? Not me! Stick around on Mandatory for some much needed laughs. You know you want to, so go right ahead and just make yourself at him, ladies and gentlemen.