The weekend is here, which means it’s time to start drinking. But before you kick off your weekend-long binge, let these funny photos put you in the mood to party. Or if you aren’t really the partying type, you can just open your fridge, grab a bunch of food, turn on Netflix and enjoy the weekend that way. And that’s probably the best way to enjoy things these days — no news, no chaos, no headaches. Just you and your food and entertainment. Oh, and some funnies of course. And when you’re done here, be sure to check us out on Twitter and Instagram and we’ll see you soon.
Man, that is seriously an unfortunate name. Or is it hilarious? Let’s go with hilarious. Speaking of hilarious, check out more of our Funny Photos.
That kind of looks like us waiting on you to check our more of our Funny Photos. We are creepy.