The 10 Worst People In Front Of You At The Grocery Store

Photo: Rubberball/Mike Kemp

It never fails. You run into the grocery store to grab a few quick items, hurry to the front of the store, only to find that out of the 900 possible checkout lanes, two of them are currently open. The line looks like you’re at Universal Studios. If that and the fact that you are nearly flat broke weren’t frustrating enough, it’s full of amateurs that don’t seem to understand the flow of the checkout lane. You have to be on your toes and ready to go. Hey lady, we don’t need you gazing into space or waist deep in the latest issue of US Weekly trying to find out what clothes Jennifer Lawrence and Robert Pattinson wore to the MTV Movie Awards. Just get your stuff and keep it moving! We’ve all been there, so to help you cope with the agony, here are the ten worst people in front of you in line at the grocery store.

The Worst People In Front Of You At The Grocery Store

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