Photo: RyanJLane (Getty)
Porn doesn’t only show up on your home computer when you’re alone because your wife it out shopping. It shows up in kids’ video games like it did to this poor girl, as well as when you’re shopping at Target and it’s blaring through the speakers. And oh, apparently when you’re trying to count very, very important votes.
A polling station in the Netherlands got a tad more entertaining recently while the results for the Dutch election were being counted up in the city of Enschede. During all the madness, a very hardcore lesbian porn scene appeared on a projector behind some volunteers.
Check out a hilarious photo of the incident below.
Pranksters Show Lesbian Porn Scene At Polling Station

Photo: via CEN
Those folks don’t even realized the gem behind them.
A local football club is believe to be behind the prank, as they put up the scene while the counts were taking place on the grounds. The person responsible for taking the photo above calls this prank just “locker room humor.” Hmm, where have I heard that before?
This is what a spokesman for the mayor’s office had to say about the incident:
“This was no Photoshop. Of course this does not deserve any praise and should never have happened.”
Let’s be fair, it deserves a little praise. And it seems that those responsible for the prank my face a punishment according to the local football club president Hans Scholten:
“I did not talk yet about that with the board, it will happen tonight. Even though it is a joke, the consequence for the city and the club were not thought through. We have a well-regarded name as a club and this is important for members and parents.
Well, I for one would like to give these pranksters some kudos.
h/t The Hook Mag