Photo: Twitter
You don’t have to be a woman to realize that the pool float below looks a lot like something your girlfriend has probably made you go buy at CVS pretty late at night — the type of purchase that you have to call her while standing in the aisle, completely confused.
That’s right, folks. This pool float has gone viral because it looks just like a damn maxi pad. You know, that thing that helps ladies out during their time of the month. While the photo was originally shared on Reddit, it was when it was shared on Twitter by author Jillian David that it really picked up steam.
Check it out below.
Focus group. This could have been avoided with 1 focus group (of women).
— Jillian David (@JillianDavid13) July 3, 2017
Yep, pretty damn accurate. And you just knew that Twitter was going to chime in.
Maxi pad or Costco pool float? You decide.
— Mary (@MaryLeishman) July 4, 2017
Probably the only product that’ll get me through one day of my period.
— General Chach Organa (@ChachiBobinks) July 4, 2017
This maxi pad shaped floatie will make your next Elbow River float nice and absorbent. #yyc #Calgary
— ChristyandFraser (@ChristyandFras) July 4, 2017
Looks like a giant maxi pad.
— You Had One Job (@_youhadonejob1) July 1, 2017
What’s the absorbency level on this thing?
— FanMom (@fanmomaf) July 3, 2017
Won’t it soak up half the pool water?
— appalledvoter (@appalledvoter) July 3, 2017
I’ll wear my red swimsuit to complete the cosplay.
— Alt_Heather (@wordblender) July 3, 2017
Be careful not to get any pubic hair stuck to it though. Ouch!
— Cynical Woman (@Cynical_Woman) July 3, 2017
h/t Someecards