German Woman Falls Off Balcony While Having Orgasm During Threesome

Photo: Marina_Ph (Getty)

If you find yourself in a threesome where everyone agreed to it, kudos to you. Just please make sure you don’t end up with broken bones like the women in this bizarre story.

Two women in Germany and a man decided to have a threesome. Fun stuff, right? Of course, but things got chaotic very quickly when one of the women fell from a balcony, breaking bones in her feet and legs. It all kicked off when one of the sex positions involved one of the women leaning against the balcony railing. And apparently the climax was so intense that she toppled over the railing, injuring herself quite badly.

But it doesn’t end there. The other woman, in an effort to help her friend, ran down the stairs to help her only to slip and also break bones in her arm and neck. Holy hell these are some clumsy women.

Paramedics arrived to find both women naked and in need of medical attention. The man in all of this explained that “during the lovemaking, there was a positional quarrel,” with one of the ladies leaning against a balcony railing which led to her fall.

Police have ruled this an accident and no charges will be pressed. Oh, and information about the victims “will not be released to spare their embarrassment,” added police.

h/t Metro

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