Well, that week just flew by, didn’t it? (Note: I write my intros on Wednesday night — a day in advance — so I may be whistling a different tune right now) If the daily Funny Photos around here aren’t enough to get you through the home stretch, surely today’s GIFs will do the trick. It’s just two more days, after all. And they’re the fun ones! (Note again: I naturally assume days get progressively more enjoyable after Monday — with the Sunday tossup depending on if you’re forced to go to church). So kick back and laugh your way right into the weekend. The Joker would do it, and he’s cool as hell! (Note #3: Depending on how much you like Batman, The Joker is not cool as hell at all!)
Like/Follow Mandatory on Facebook and Twitter. Uhh…The Joker would totally do that, as well. And Batman. So you really can’t lose.
Funniest GIFs 9-14-17
Are you satisfied? What else could you possibly want from us? Our blood? Money? Last week’s funniest GIFs? Fine! They’re all yours.
Funniest GIFs 9-14-17
That last one really throws you for a loop.
I would have just given her 20 more yellow balloons to save the effort.
Cats make the best catapults.
Now, do it backwards and I'll be impressed.
Me when I eat seafood.
It's always the littlest guys with the biggest ideas.
Who's teaching who here?
I don't get why people say fishing is so hard.
Now for the awkward conversation where we tell him his real mother is a shark (the sea creature or vacuum; both apply).
I said grab a pig sticker, not a pig tickler.
I've heard of pulling a muscle exercising, but pulling your pants off is the more impressive feat.
Here's a fun riddle: How do you keep a cat from leaving your presentation?