Idiot Shoots Himself In Church While Advocating For Right To Bring Guns To Church

Photo: Warner Bros.

Other than that time I wrote about a study suggesting women who perform oral sex on a regular basis being happier than those who don’t, this might be the greatest headline I have ever written.

According to the New York Post, an absolute moron in Tennessee accidentally shot himself and his wife inside a church Thursday while displaying a Ruger handgun to other churchgoers during a rant about why he should be allowed to bring that gun to church every Sunday.

Idiot Shoots Himself In Church While Advocating For Right To Bring Guns To Church

Instead, it appears as though he made the perfect argument as to why he shouldn’t be allowed to own, carry or hold a gun at all times much less just inside a church. I mean, this is absolutely priceless.

NY Post

The man began to re-holster his weapon — but first put the magazine back into the firearm and loaded a round into the chamber, the local police chief told the paper. Someone then asked to see the weapon. The man pulled the gun out of his holster and claimed it wasn’t loaded before pulling the trigger.

“Evidently he just forgot that he re-chambered the weapon,” the police chief said.

The gun fired and the bullet sliced the man’s hand before piercing his wife’s abdomen. Both he and his wife, who are in their 80s, were taken to the University of Tennessee Medical Center, where they were expected to survive.


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