It’s only Thursday, yet most of us are already at the end of our ropes. Not to worry, though, as there are plenty of funny GIFs around the internet to get you to the home stretch. The best part of all is you can watch them all day if you so choose. We personally recommend taking a break every so often to surf the television, but we’re just healthy like that. Last week’s GIFs are also a solid option during the in-between.
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Have a nice trip? See you next fall! (OK, next week, but that was the only joke we could use pertaining to the header GIF and it still didn’t make perfect sense).
Funniest GIFs 3-29-18
Stop Stairing
What, you've never seen a dog skateboard better than you could in your wildest dreams before?
This Trick Is Bananas
Apparently, they're even slipperier when wet.
Goat Alone
There's a showoff in every flock.
Pole Dance-aster
Why'd she even put her hands out when she still broke her fall with her face?
Where's Boo-Boo?
Always pack a distraction pic-a-nic basket.
Getting The Swing Of This Construction Gig
Careful, or you'll pull your backhoe out.
Duck, Duck, Duck, Duck, Duck, Duck, Duck...
OK, this game isn't fun anymore. Ralph, take over.
Hoop Screams
Sometimes throwing another ball at the obstruction just doesn't do the trick.
Air Bud Mode
We get it, paws off.
Dog Dive Afternoon
Not exactly synchronized. We're going to have to dock you some points.
Tortoise With A Hair Up Its Butt
This is the only time you'll see a turtle in a hurry.
Role Reversal
What's the matter, bird, cat got your tongue?