You know the drill: laugh ’til you faint, regain consciousness, repeat. It’s that simple if you want to suffer permanent brain damage. Otherwise, you can just laugh a reasonable amount, grab some water, then come back and repeat. Either works.
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Funniest GIFs 5-31-18
GIFs 5-31-18
Sinking To New Lows
Dancing on wet surfaces (possibly drunk) always ends the same way.
The Eagle Has Landed
And taken our dinner. Wow. So majestic.
Thirst Quenched
That face says it all.
Looky Lou
When you're driving on the wrong side of the road to begin with, you're bound to run into the police one way or another.
Cat Ch!
Now teach it to dunk.
How Churros Are Made
We could have gone a lifetime not knowing.
Horsing Around
I've always wanted a bike that pooped.
Drive Yourself Crazy
And they claim golf is soooo relaxing.
This is why sniffing butts as a standard greeting is just poor practice.
Rail Fail
This GIF will never, ever get old.
Stop Playing With Yourself
After you see him do it the first time, this GIF really goes down the tubes.
Trash Man Of The Future
Someone was clearly hover-bored.