
Horse Kicks Up Its Legs in Local Bar, Upset With Lack of Pumpkin Beer

Horse at bar with martini and bartender. Photo: Eric Raptosh Photography (Getty)

We’re not going to tell you the one about the horse walking into the bar, but it did. And it made a real mess.

Customers in a French pub were shocked when a horse bucked its way through the bar in broad daylight. Security cameras captured the chaotic moment as people dodged the animal’s path as it tore its way to the front of the line. Sources cannot confirm, but it’s likely the horse was upset at the lack of pumpkin beer on tap.

Take your pumpkin and shove it: Why Do We Love To Hate Pumpkin Beer So Much?

The horse reportedly kicked off its rider and escaped from a stable less than a mile away from the bar. For whatever reason, it decided to enter the establishment, kick up a bunch of chairs and tables, then leave like it’s no big deal. Luckily, no one was injured, and the only a little property was damaged.

More Horseplay: Genius Entrepreneur Creates Horse-And-Buggy ‘Amish Uber’

Honestly, that’s nothing compared to our last Saturday night.

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