Risky Tips

Risky Tips [With Kate Quigley]: The Delicate Art of ‘The Booty Call’

You finally find a someone who’s into a no-nonsense, purely physical arrangement. Call it a booty call, friends with benefits, loveless sex, whatever. The trouble is that usually at least one of you ends up catching feelings, which is why we want to stress the importance of the delicate art of not leading someone on.

You wish you had the answers to such a sensitive area, but you don’t. Luckily, Kate Quigley has some risky tips that will keep a “booty call” just a booty call. If love is not what you’re looking for, let’s make sure it stays that way and hopefully no one gets hurt. Follow these simple guidelines, paying specific attention to the first, for a successful, clearly defined, physical relationship.

More ‘Risky Tips’ from Kate Q: The Dos And Don’ts of DMs

More ‘Risky Tips’ from Kate Q: The Dating Detox Challenge

Follow Kate on Instagram and subscribe to her YouTube.

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