Betsy DeVos to Cut Special Olympics Funds After Coming In Last at White House Spelling Bee

Photo: Chip Somodevilla / Staff (Getty Images)

It’s no secret that this administration is a little…different, for lack of a much stronger, way more vulgar word. But when the United States Secretary of Education, Betsy DeVos, proposed plans to cut more than $17 million of funding to the Special Olympics, that took things to a whole new circle of hell (and then sparked a catchy Twitter trend, #BetsyDeVosHatesSpecialNeedsKids).

It got us wondering: What on earth would possess a person, or in this case, DeVos, to do something like that?

Sources close to the White House reported DeVos was part of an annual untelevised spelling bee, and that, aside from facing the wrong direction when it was her turn, the only more embarrassing moment came when she asked Senator Mitch McConnell if he could use “decency” in a sentence. He could not.

DeVos came in dead last, just behind Jared Kushner who luckily knew how to spell “nepotism” and “collusion” after just missing the mark on “indictment.”

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Those in attendance claim she stormed out of the room after vowing to pick on the first group of unfortunate individuals making progress in overcoming their own physical obstacles. Other analysts are speculating that DeVos herself was denied entrance to the Special Olympics upon misspelling her final word, “education.”

Allegedly, there’s no proof DeVos ever entered a spelling bee as a child, which has reporters requesting a full report card from McConnell or anybody who can prove she graduated elementary school or even attended the third grade.

In a very conflicting statement, billionaire DeVos claimed: “Make no mistake: We are focused every day on raising expectations and improving outcomes for infants and toddlers, children and youth with disabilities.”

Budget officials claim the $17 million could easily be recovered if a “certain someone” cut back on the McDonalds deliveries to his private quarter(pounder)s. Fun fact: President Trump reportedly spent more than $2 million redecorating the White House.

For more on DeVos and her qualifications, we now turn to our favorite photos of DeVos confused and unsure what to say in a segment we like to call:

Oh, Heavens to Betsy!

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