Florida police

Meanwhile in Florida: Police Ask Man to Quit Calling About His Stolen Weed

Pasco County, Florida, has no shortage of beautiful Americans breaking the law in all sorts of strange ways. And police are more than happy to respond. But one man called 911 so many times on a recent evening, that the cops asked the man to stop on Twitter. The caller alleged that his roommate had stolen his weed and would not give it back. And though Florida is one of the few states left in the country where weed is still illegal, the guy figured the authorities would help him get his stash returned. Needless to say, they didn’t. However, we do applaud the tenacity of our tragically ignored friend down in Florida, a man who just wanted to get high and watch cartoons, but because of his crappy roommate, couldn’t. We can totally relate.

Photo: kali9 (Getty Images)

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