If you live anywhere near a good brewery, you’ve probably stood in a long line waiting to get your hands on one of their new, hot, limited-edition brews. But, if you’re not a fan of craft beer or paying $30 for a four-pack, you might find these long lines annoying and pointless. This is America and you definitely have the right to your opinion. You also have the right to buy cheap beer that you can just grab at your local grocery store. What you don’t have a right to do (even if you’re really annoyed) is taunt a crowd of people waiting for beer, dump hard seltzer on them, and then brandish a gun when one of them yells back at you.
But, that’s exactly the extremely bizarre story that came out of Brooklyn, New York, recently. It all went down outside of Other Half, one of the most popular craft breweries in the country. The brewery was set to release beer called Bourbon Barrel Aged Bananaversary Imperial Stout. Many might scoff at the price tag of $28 per bottle, but there was a line of people waiting to get wristbands so they could come back in the morning and buy the coveted beer. But, according to the New York Post, prior to the brewery being able to hand out said wristbands, an aggressive hard seltzer fan and his girlfriend showed up and starting mocking those waiting in the line. For some reason, he decided to tell the group of people that he was staying at an Airbnb nearby. He left after a few minutes only to return again while sipping on a can of hard seltzer and continuing to yell at the group. People yelled back and the guy threw a can of White Claw hard seltzer at the line.
At this point, the people in the line were getting tired of having hard seltzer thrown at them even though it’s refreshing and full of booze. They told him to stop and he left and returned with a handgun. This is when the police were called.
The @nypost had a lot of fun with this, but there is nothing funny about this illegally possessed firearm. It was subsequently recovered after the arrest of the man who pointed it at multiple individuals in the street. #OneLessGun #GivingWhiteClawsABadName https://t.co/Azt35f8neH pic.twitter.com/a9VOFZrleX
— NYPD 76th Precinct (@NYPD76Pct) February 10, 2020
Due to the fact that he told the crowd where his Airbnb was, police were able to find him and arrest him for his extremely strange behavior. Sure, some people find beer geeks to be annoying, but this is taking it to a whole new level.
Photo: Casarsa (Getty Images)
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