Trump’s administration produces scandals as regularly as a reality a tv show. Is this surprising? Not really, but our sense of shock is thoroughly desensitized at this point. Before Dirty Don ever took the oath of office, he was already waist-deep in a swamp he promised to drain. Not only did he hire Stormy Daniels to pee on him or whatever, he tried to cover it up with illegal payoffs. Before that, he systematically undervalued his father’s real-estate empire to avoid taxes. Oh yeah, and then there’s that whole colluding with Russia scandal that got him impeached.
If you forgot any of those, we forgive you. Since being sworn in, Trump and his creatures have been busy. If he’s not spreading disinformation, then he’s trying to throw a wrench in the gears of democracy. His whole administration is like an ethical limbo contest in hell. As a useful reference, we’ve dug up a few of our favorite executive branch foibles. This list of scandals explores Trump’s term as kingpin-in-chief for these barely United States.
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Best Trump Scandals
10. Treasury Secretary Epic Photo Fail
We’re starting this list out with Trump’s scandalous appointment of Steven Mnuchin as secretary of the treasury, who in November of 2017 posed for this epic fail. The best part is the guy in the back looking offscreen as if to say, “Is this really happening?”
9. Trump Administration Denying Climate Change
Trump’s systematic denial of climate change and targeting of government scientists just doing their job is an ongoing scandal of planetary proportions. What do you expect from a guy who called climate change a “con”?
8. Trump Calling White Supremacists “Very Fine People”
After the deadly 2017 Unite the Right rally in Charlottesville, Trump refused to denounce the self-declared white supremacists, weirdly saying there were “very fine people on both sides.”
7. Trump’s Companies Blatantly Overcharging the Government
Trump is bilking the White House in what might be the worst grift in history. He’s made millions overcharging his own Secret Service security detail and other government entities, which is illegal unless the attorney general is your BFF.
6. Trump Wishes an Accused Child Sex Trafficker Well
Ghislaine Maxwell has been charged with a half-dozen offenses related to deceased billionaire Jeffrey Epstein’s child sex trafficking. The notoriously unloyal Trump publicly sent Maxwell well wishes, which makes many wonder what dirt she might have on Dirty Don.
5. Trump Using Secret Police for Mass Arrests in Portland
While President Trump probably couldn’t spell gestapo, turns out he can deploy them. Trump sent federal agents with body armor and no badges to Portland in an attempt to distract from his failed response to COVID-19, which is terrible on so many levels.
4. Promoting QAnon Conspiracy Theory
Trump is willing to do anything to get reelected and stay out of prison, even supporting the QAnon movement. The nutjob conspiracy theory is basically a Gossip Girl episode meets The Apprentice with Russian subtitles.
3. Inaction and Failure on COVID-19
Trump’s total failure to coordinate the nation’s response to COVID-19 is a scandal we all live with every day. Even worse than doing nothing, he’s attacked and undermined those who tried to cobble together a concerted strategy, which makes us wonder if Trump is working for the virus and Russia.
2. Trying to Sabotage the 2020 Election
President Trump is trying to rig the 2020 election by sabotaging the Post Office, which is a new low even for him. Luckily, you can do something about this scandal through buying stamps or post office swag.
1. Caging Thousands of Children
Kids in cages are about as cringe as it gets in the dystopian nightmare that is the U.S. under Trump. He’s separated thousands of migrant children from their families through a harsh border policy he was eventually forced to partially reverse due to bad press, which shows you what he really cares about.