Photo: JGI/Jamie Grill (Getty Images)
At the end of the year, we’re always treated to the list of new words added to the dictionary. This year is no different. But just because a word is added to the dictionary, it doesn’t mean we know how to pronounce it or even use it in conversation. That’s why we were so glad when we heard that Babbel commissioned the US Captioning Company and the British Institute of Verbatim Reporters to come up with a list of the most mispronounced words of 2021. It shouldn’t be noted that not all of these words are new and that’s what makes it so fun.
The list included athlete names, pop culture references, and cryptocurrency. While you might not have any trouble with these, this list is comprised of the words that newscasters and people on television have mispronounced during the year. The list was made when the US Captioning Company surveyed its members to compile a list. Keep scrolling to see which words made the list. Give yourself a pat on the back for every word you correctly pronounced. Double points if you know what they mean.
Difficult worlds 2021
Dalgona [tal-goh-NAH]
If you watched ‘Squid Game’ on Netflix, you saw the scene when the contestants tried to remove a shape from this popular melted sugar-based dessert.
Ethereum [ih-THEE-ree-um]
A popular cryptocurrency, this word is difficult from some because it just looks like it has more vowels than it should. Just sound it out, folks!
Kelce [KEL-ss]
This one was definitely news to us. Philadelphia Eagles Center Jason Kelce did a radio interview in which he claimed that the media and his teammates have continually mispronounced his name.
Ever Given [EV-er GIV-en]
Why anyone could have trouble with this, we don’t know. It’s the name of the ship that blocked the Suez Canal last spring. Maybe the confusing is because people thought it was called “Evergreen”. Who knows?
Cheugy [CHOO-gee]
If you don’t know what this is, it’s okay. It’s a term targeting millennials who have outdated style or enjoy things that aren’t “cool”.
Chipotle [chih-POHT-lay]
Why anyone mispronounces this we’ll never know. The name of a popular fast casual Mexican restaurant chain, some people mix up the ‘l’ and ‘t’ for some odd reason.
Stefanos Tsitsipas [STEH-fuh-nohs TSEE-tsee-pas]
This Greek tennis player is one of the best athletes in the world and also has one of the most difficult to pronounce names in the sports world. Only beaten by fellow Greek Giannis Antetokounmpo.
Glasgow [GLAHZ-go]
The industrial Scottish city hosted the 2021 UN Climate Change Conference back in November. Most non-Scottish people pronounce the ‘w’ and they shouldn’t.
Yassify [YEAH-sih-fai]
This was a big trend in 2021. It consists of random filters being added to notable photos of celebrities and landscapes for the sake of comedy.
Shein [SHEE-in]
This is the Chinese fashion brand known for the “Shein haul” trend. We honestly don’t have a clue what that is, but it appears that people try on different clothes from the company and film it.