lap dance

Watch NYPD Rookie Give Lieutenant a Naughty Lap Dance at Precinct Party (New York’s Finest, Indeed)

We seriously need to consider a career pivot if this is the kind of work party we’re missing out on. An NYPD rookie gave her boss a naughty lap dance at her Bronx precinct’s holiday soiree recently.

The misdeed went down at a Yonkers bar. The 26-year-old newbie cop, Vera Mekuli, was not in uniform but rather in a skimpy miniskirt, tank top, and knee-high boots when she gave her superior, 44th Precinct Lt. Nick McGarry, quite the show as colleagues watched on. Of course, someone captured it all on camera, and the saucy video has since gone viral.

The dirty dancer was seen grinding her ass against the married man’s junk, then straddling him with her arms waving wildly in the air. Her panties made an appearance at one point, and someone handed him a wad of cash as well. (Hey, she earned it!)

Those hips don’t lie, but they sure did get both parties in trouble. The lieutenant was transferred to Transit District 12 while the rookie apologized – in a half-assed way – via TMZ video.

“It was supposed to be for fun, sh— and giggles,” she said. “I feel like I’ve completely ruined, I guess, his picture as a lieutenant, as a boss. I know it doesn’t look good on him at all. But I do apologize.”

She went on to address the lieutenant’s better half, who “went berserk” (according to the New York Post) after being asked about the incident by a reporter. “I do want to apologize to the lieutenant’s wife. You know, I am sorry, truly I am and I really hope it didn’t cause too much damage in the marriage or in your personal life. I know it’s been rough. I’ve been seeing the articles and I’ve been seeing pictures of new guys all over the newspapers as well as mine. It wasn’t meant to be like this. I really had no knowledge of your marriage.”

But then her apology started to feel less like a mea culpa and more like a pity party. “I feel like just because, mainly — I’m a female, dressed the way I was, being a rookie — things were different,” she continued. “Had it been a man doing it, I feel like it would have been more of a joking matter and it would have stayed in-house versus go public the way it did with me.”

But perhaps the funniest part of this incident was the reactions gathered by the New York Post from patrons of Rory Dolan’s bar.

“To be honest with you, at a family restaurant, that shouldn’t be happening,’’ a customer identified as Elias said. “But what can you do?”

“Ewww’’ said a waitress after viewing the video.

“That’s the whole point of a Christmas party — you let yourself go,” a man named Mark D. said.

“Crazy,” an anonymous female commented, before adding, “[But] that’s what Christmas parties are all about.”

If that’s true, we’ve been attending all the wrong ones because nothing like this has ever transpired in our professional party history. Like we said, it appears to be time to switch careers. Is the NYPD hiring?

Cover Photo: New York Post


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