
Trending Tweets: Hilarious Video Shows Best Response Ever to Karen Demanding to Speak to Manager

If you never bothered to find out what HIPAA is, you’re going to want to educate yourself now. Why? Because the latest trending Karen video finds a middle-aged woman complaining to a manager that her “HIPAA rights” have been violated.

HIPAA stands for Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act. It regards how your health information is shared. That’s as much as you really need to know. It has nothing to do with service in an establishment that serves food or drinks. But try telling that to Karen here, who claims that being videotaped is a violation of her HIPAA rights.

But the funniest part of the viral vid isn’t the fact that Karen doesn’t understand what HIPAA means. The funniest part is how the woman behind the counter reacts when Karen demands to speak to the manager. She simply ducks below the counter, then reappears. Ta-da! A manager!

Twitter was all over the ordeal, though because the social media platform isn’t exactly a favorite of brain scientists, the trending hashtag was spelled wrong (#HIPPA). Still, we won’t let a little grammatically incorrect acronyms ruin what was a hilarious pile-on.

Next time we’re faced with a Karen, we’re going to try this now-classic move.

Cover Photo: Twitter


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