Photo: Guillaume Simoneau (Getty Images)
We’ve all driven down a rural road and spied a deer corpse, mushed skunk, pummeled possum, or squashed squirrel at very times in our lives. Most of us likely haven’t thought of stopping, loading the roadkill into the back of our car, heading home, dissecting the animal, and then cooking it. But some have and many of them probably live in a haven for roadkill: Wyoming.
Not only did their governor recently sign a bill that allows them to stop their cars, pickup roadkill that they or someone else hit (besides bears, mountain goats, bighorn sheep, and certain birds), and take it home for consumption. That leaves deer, moose, elk, and other critters smushed into the pavement totally up for grabs. The one caveat is they can’t cut off portions of meat, they need to take the whole thing.
Surprisingly, Wyoming is one of thirty or so states that lets its residents snag some tasty road meat. But it’s probably the only state that has an app for it. It’s part of Wyoming’s Department of Transportation app and it lets users claim the tastiest roadkill they can spot by inputting the species, location, and saying that it wasn’t killed illegally.
So, this means, next time you’re in Wyoming, be sure to fire up this app and claim all of the tire-marked deer, elk, moose, and squirrels you can eat. Otherwise, someone else might get it first.
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