Have you ever heard a fact so audacious that it can’t be anything but true? In the era of fake news, what is the difference between reality and a shitpost? These are the important issues of our time that no one is addressing.
That is, except for Twitter user Eric Michael Garcia, who posed a simple question to his followers — What is a fact that sounds like a shitpost but is 100% real? The response to this question has been overwhelming, resulting in over 3,500 responses. Are any of these facts true? Who the hell knows. Nevertheless, here are some of the funniest true facts that sound like 100% bullshit.
Cover Photo: Motortion (Getty Images)
Clark Gregg took the role of Phil Coulson in Iron Man because Jon Favreau was his next door neighbor and he owed him a favor https://t.co/mCTMoXV87s
— ❄SnowSnowSnow? (@sciendere) March 25, 2022
Chuck E. Cheese’s full name is Charles Entertainment Cheese. https://t.co/jHlyKrIiqS
— Jeff D. Lowe (@JeffDLowe) March 22, 2022
Nick Foles beat Tom Brady in Super Bowl 52 https://t.co/ePUPxLWI7T
— Amy, but birds 1-0 (@amy_shee) March 22, 2022
Johnny Cash kept a pet ostrich on his farm. One day in 1983 the ostrich kicked him and broke Cash’s ribs, which led to a relapse of his painkiller and alcohol addiction. He went to the Betty Ford Clinic to get sober and met and befriended Ozzy Osbourne. https://t.co/leTxbjHwXz
— Patton Oswalt (@pattonoswalt) March 22, 2022
Peter Mayhew was kept under close watch on the Northern California set of “Return of the Jedi” out of the fear that if he wandered off set in his Chewbacca costume he’d be shot by hunters who thought he was Bigfoot https://t.co/KHUWBNimoc
— caroline mccarthy ? (@caro) March 22, 2022
In 1896 a railroad company staged a collision between two unmanned train engines as a public spectacle in a “temporary town” aptly named Crush, Texas.https://t.co/fMXhWxSZj0 https://t.co/luNU7N4E90
— Leftist Cult of Forest Rangers (BabyBlueFriday) (@BabyBlueFriday) March 22, 2022
The North American record for fastest train is still a diesel rail car with jet engines strapped onto the roof. https://t.co/424v0RnJ6b
— Alan Fisher (@alanthefisher) March 22, 2022
The son of New York governor and future United States Vice President Nelson Rockefeller was eaten by cannibals in New Guinea. https://t.co/3f4NPvg09b
— Paul Lackey (@holliemaea) March 22, 2022
The first episode of Doctor Who premieres the day after the Kennedy assassination. https://t.co/I53I6xqyKv
— Yerocha (@Yerocha) March 22, 2022
One time Randy Johnson threw a fastball so hard that it hit a bird flying in front of the batter and it exploded https://t.co/rgzFEKsQ6y
— Trans Moleman (@Demi_theynd) March 23, 2022
The CIA considered dropping XXL condoms into the Soviet Union labeled “medium” to demoralize the Soviets https://t.co/vUi96tVh6R
— Callisto ? (@feralcoyotes) March 22, 2022
Marvel Comics' white Editor in Chief presented himself as a Japanese man to write a bunch of stories about ninjas and samurai. https://t.co/YmIwsnIDcG
— Tom Shapira (@tomshaps) March 23, 2022
Former VP Dan Quayle talked VP Mike Pence out of sabotaging the United States of America. https://t.co/s6SFK52hJ4
— Pip • Minister of Silly Walks (@PipPipPirrip) March 22, 2022