Time to drive the family out to the country, go into a corn maze, get super lost, get even more lost, get scared because of corn monsters, call 911, eventually escape, have nightmares forever and check out these links!
Seth MacFarlane Wishes “Family Guy” Would Get Canceled

Well, it already happened once. [image via]
Aziz Ansari Answers Many, Many Fan Questions

Nothing about Lil’ Sebastian, though. That’s off-limits. [image via]
12 Extremely Disappointing Facts About Pop Music

20 years from now, people will be upset that Ke$ha got outsold by Christina Aguilerabot.
Family Gets Lost In A Corn Maze, Calls 911

Be sure to keep them away from these terrordomes. [image via]
The Oatmeal: “If My Brain Were An Imaginary Friend”

And here’s what it’d be like if The Brain were your friend.
That’s all for this edition of The Big List. Join us next week, when we drink in the sink of links. In other words, more links.
Geoffrey Golden is the Editor in Chief of The Devastator: The Quarterly Comedy Magazine For Humans!