The holidays are stressful, what with buying presents, cooking food for a lot of people, wanting to scream at your bratty cousins to shut up about Bionicle Legos for two seconds, but keeping the rage inside knowing it’ll cause a scene… perhaps you need a drink? Or ten? Or enough beer to make a Christmas tree out of:
Geoffrey Golden is the Editor in Chief of The Devastator: The Quarterly Comedy Magazine For Humans! Header via, background via.
8 Beer Can Christmas Trees
Molson Tree
It’s Christmas time, eh? [via]
Grolsch Tree
I’m dreaming of a Grolsch Christmas… [via]
Dorm Common Room Beer Tree
The holiday decoration budget was well-spent. [via]
Little Beer Tree
Just the right size for the childrens’ room. [via]
Silver Beer Tree
Fosters – Australian For Beer-Trunk. [via]
Bigger Grolsch Tree
Some folks really love their Grolsch. [via]
Keg Beer Tree
It wouldn’t be Kegsmas without… y’know, the kegs. [via]
Charlie Brown’s Beer Christmas Tree
It’s not the size of the tree that matters, Charlie Brown. It’s how drunk you get putting it together. [via]
Finally, To Top Off The Tree…
…and to top off my night. [via]