Sure, you could get your car washed. It would certainly look cleaner and you might even feel better about driving it. However, what about all the hilarious wiseasses out there who want to draw stuff on your back window? Your filthy car is like their open mic night! Here are some examples of funny dirty cars, so you’ll see what I mean:
The Beloved Classic

Well. If you insist. [via]
I Wish

Luckily, that car was actually a genie’s lamp and his wife instantly became “up for whatever.” [via]
Stick Figure Family

“Guess what? We’re actually going to Dirtyland!” [via]
Godzilla Attacks

You’re next, Dodge Ram. [via]

“Just slap on a few flowers. It’ll be fine.” [via]
Marilyn Monroe

Dirty cars are a girl’s best friend. [via]

There’s no escape from this Mini Cooper. [via]
A Truly Dirty Car

And she’s an exhibitionist. Hot! [via]
Geoffrey Golden is the Editor in Chief of The Devastator: The Quarterly Comedy Magazine For Humans! Header via.