Hanukkah is the Jewish celebration of miracles, and it’s an internet miracle that there are so many goofy menorahs in the world. The candles burn suspiciously bright in these often homemade menoraventions. Let’s just hope God approves. Here are the 10 weirdest Hannukkah menorahs.
USB Drive Menorah

You can fit 16 gigabites of information in one of those? What a miracle! [via]
Four Loko Menorah

Drinking this entire menorah might kill you. [via]
Surf Board Menorah

Candles lit. Surf’s up. [via]
Fish Head Menorah

Fish heads / fish heads / observant, Jewish fish heads… [via]
Hello Kitty Menorah

Ironically, Chococat isn’t on the menorah and he’s actually Jewish. [via]
Lego Menorah

It’s pretty colorful. I guess. [via]
Plush Hat Menorah

It doesn’t matter, kid. We still have to light it. [via]
Bowling Menorah

On the last day, bowlers declare it an “8 Bagger.” [via]
Star Trek Menorah

The Vulcan salute (“live long and prosper”) is actually a Jewish hand gesture. So the weird thing about this menorah is actually the lack of Vulcans. [via]
Human Centipede Menorah
This one takes the cake. No, wait! Don’t feed it cake… Eww…
Geoffrey Golden is the Editor In Chief of The Devastator: The Quarterly Comedy Magazine For Humans! Header via. Image border via.