With a mix of nerdy pop culture references and visual puns, Justin Hughes has become the only candidate running for student government that I plan to vote for this year. What? I can’t vote in high school elections? I thought we lived in America, for god sake. Anyway, enjoy these geeky student election posters:
Dr. Who

Anyone who runs against Justin will be exterminated.
Kenny Loggins

“Does he mean Ke$ha log-ins… or something,” wonders one confused classmate.

When Justin says he’s running, he means it.
The Hunger Games

“He also banged Katniss,” read the first version of the poster, which was not approved.
Leap of Faith

I hope he starts awkwardly leaping around at the Student Council meetings.
The Last Airbender

The key to winning this and any election: locking up the Anime Club vote.
Geoffrey Golden is the Editor in Chief of The Devastator: The Quarterly Comedy Magazine For Humans!