6 Videos of Bad Porno Acting

Granted, most people don’t watch porn for the acting. (Everybody watches porn for one thing only: the breath-taking cinematography!) However, sometimes the intro scenes go from passably / “eh, who cares?” bad to ridiculously bad. Here are 6 videos of terrible porn acting:


The Lemon Tree

What’s Obama doing about all these lemon thieves?!


The Tea Party

Tea? Tea? Bah!


The Gullible Old Man

Hoisted by his own petard. I assume that can also work as sexual innuendo.


The Nutjob Nurses

Haha, this guy’s hilarious. Indexed porno collection. LOL.


The Snake

Wait for it…


The Frisbee Accident

This porn also teaches us about the dangers of lead Frisbees.


Geoffrey Golden is the Editor in Chief of The Devastator: The Quarterly Comedy Magazine For Humans! Header via.

AEE 2014: Sophie Dee Interview with Ela Darling by CraveOnline

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