Time to get an email from your college, realize that by replying, you were sending an email to thousands of other students, make jokes and fill up strangers’ inboxes all day, get some students super pissed off, realize the IT department finally fixed the bug, remember that magical day forever and check out these links!
Porn Stars Have Higher Self-Esteem Than Other Women

Time to go online and encourage them some more!
What Happened When NYU Students Discovered They Could E-Mail 40,000 People At Once

If Every US State Declared War Against The Others, Who Would Win?

Trick Question: The answer is the terrorists.
6 Creepy Things You Never Noticed About Famous Kids Cartoons

I never realized Danger Mouse and Adventure Time had so much in common. Mathematical!
This Is How All Celebrities Should Behave With Fans Online

That’s why Beetlejuice and Candyman are the web’s biggest stars.
That’s all for this reply-all’d edition of The Big List.
Geoffrey Golden is the Editor in Chief of The Devastator: The Quarterly Comedy Magazine For Humans!