Oh the triumphant bowels are about to drop on Earth 2. Damn you James Robinson, how can you set up such a powerful story and then decide to walk away? Okay, granted, I wasn’t huge on Earth 2 Annual #1, but that was before I saw what you were doing. Yes, the Batman angle was hamfisted, but Robinson is trying to get the pieces in place before he leaves. It’s not easy creating an entirely new hero team from scratch, especially when you’re inventing, or re-inventing, the whole jamboree.
Earth 2 #13 is where the team begins to expand even further. After the Atom story, which dominated Annual #1, Robinson turns his attention to Captain Steel, the answer to Superman for this Earth. Steel has decided to investigate a firepit, a man-made cavern pulsing with an energy source only referred to as “fire” for lack of a better term. Created by Terry Sloan, using Apokolips technology, these firepits usually eviscerate any life around them. Except in Rio de Janeiro. Apparently, this South American hotspot is still thriving, right next to the pit.
Outside of the natural intrigue here, this pit needs to be investigated as America begins to ready for war against Steppenwolf. If created by Sloan, can they be used in the war? What is the actual fire? Can they be used in our defense? These are just a few of the questions Captain Steel looks to answer as he dives into the firepit headfirst. Meanwhile, Hawkgirl is attempting to find out why Green Lantern’s late lover was involved with Apokolips battle tech and who killed him for it. During her quest, she’s attacked by Apokorats and only manages to escape thanks to help from the new Batman.
See what Robinson is doing? Within a few short issues, the possible hero team members has grown from Flash, Green Lantern and Hawkgirl, to now include Dr. Fate, Captain Steel, a new Batman and possibly Mr. Miracle and Big Barda. Will they come together to battle Steppenwolf or, will the threat revealed at the end of issue #13 unite these individual heroes? Robinson has set up a high stakes game; I just hope he remains around long enough to see this story arc through.
Yildiray Cinar does some excellent work with the pencils here. Taking a page from the Silver Age, Cinar uses heavy lines to create weight and strength. Captain Steel is all thick lines and heavy inks, as is the new Batman. Outside of the heroes, Cinar reverts back to a more modern feel with the support players and extras. He also has a solid feel for action. The battle between the Apokorats and Hawkgirl is pretty exciting.
Earth 2, like Green Arrow, Animal Man and JLD, is a hidden jewel in the DC crown, a title more people should be paying attention to.

(5 Story, 4 Art)