The Big List: Pope Vs. Child Porn! Bionic Legs Are Real!

Time to sign onto Facebook, get frustrated about a new change, write a status update about it, complain to someone in person at a party, keep logging into Facebook – frustrated, eventually forget you were ever angry, keep logging into Facebook forever and ever, and check out these links!


Pope Francis Just Recently Made Child Abuse Illegal On Vatican Grounds

Which begs the question: what other awful things are still technically legal on Vatican grounds?


I Wore A Bionic Leg, And I Never Wanted To Take It Off Again



Facebook: ‘We Will Make Our Product Worse, You Will Be Upset, And Then You Will Live With It’ (The Onion),33074/

Shove this update down your timelines and like it.


Meet The Most Interesting Man On Wikipedia

A veteran of 3 wars, got shot a bunch of times, lived around the world, removed his own eyeball once, and his name? Lieutenant-General Sir Adrian Paul Ghislain Carton de Wiart. Case closed.


30 Signs You’re Almost 30

You start getting curious about what the show Thirtysomething was about.


That’s all for this bionic edition of The Big List.


Geoffrey Golden is the Editor in Chief of The Devastator: The Quarterly Comedy Magazine For Humans!

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